miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

Activity 4 - Final project (Stage 3)



ü  WWW.tellmemorecampus.com

ü  Elementary Market Leader-david cotton 3r edition

Activity 3 - Speaking and Writing

3.1.1 Enter Forum 2 and follow the instructions to participate.

3.1.4 Open your Market Leader book on page 89 and read case study 9. Record discussion of tasks 1 to 4. Usehttp://goo.gl/7TeSVh or http://goo.gl/vOhbS4 to record the discussion, and then paste the link on the Word file to be delivered indicating the names of team members.

Activity 2 - Reading and listening

2.1.1 Develop exercises A to E on page 69 of your Market Leader book.

A  Before you read the article below , discuss these questions

1.      What famous businesswomen do you know?

The businessman Arturo Calle , has a large clothing company, Alberto mantilla innovative designs that the company has nearly all Latin America

2.      What qualities do you need to be successful business executive?

mindset change and alert to seize opportunities, be aware that this in office, have emotional intelligence as the decision maker that suits you the company, human abilities the treatment of their employees,

B As you read the article , make quick notes to complete the profile of Andrea jung on the left

C Decide Whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Corret the false ones

1.      Avon sells cosmetics shops (F)

Avon sells cosmetics door a door in more than 120 countries.

2.      Andrea jung Speaks English and chinese (F)

Andrea jung Speaks Mandarin

3.      Around 50 per cent of managers at Avon are women (F)

Most of Avon’s representatives are women

4.      Avon has an all-female board (T)

5.      Jung Thinks all-women management teams make the best decisions(T)

6.      She is on the Boards of two other companies (T)

D  Find words or phrases in the article with these meanings

1.      People who sell a company’s products ( paragraph 1)   = Representatives

2.      When you decide to do something and to not let anything stop you ( paragraph 2)= decisionmaking

3.      Leave a job Without finishing it (Paragraph 3)= indeterminate

4.      All the money that a company receives regularly  (Paragraph 4)=revenues

5.      A very strong liking for something  (paragraph 5)=Avon’s

E  Work in pairs . imagine you are going to interview Andrea jung .Write five questions that you would like to ask her

1.1.2        Read article Volkswagen’s Black Beetle ad on page 76 of yourMarket Leader book and develop exercises A to D.
A  Before you read the article below , discuss these questions
1 Which four adjectives best describe a VW beetle?
fat ,short legs ,small ,great wings
Big   fast   feminine fun masculine powerful safe stylish  unusual
2 In your country , how popular is the beetle ? Who typically buys it
B  As you read the article think these cuestions
1 How is the photo in the article related to the 2012 beetle ?
Beetle to the Colombian cyclist, but an animal is known in Colombia
2 What kind of person did VW want to see the advet?
C  Choose the best option to complete these sentences
1.      An American/A german agency created the commercial
2.      The 2012 Beetle has a more masculine /feminine design than the older new betle
3.      The target customer for the 2012  Betle is male/male and female drivers
4.      The ad shows/doesn’t show the new car in detail
5.      VW first showed the commercial on Us /german Tv
6.      VW first showed the car to the public at an event in shanghai/New York
D In each box, match the words from the article to make word partnerships
1.      Adversiting     (B)
A Break
2.      Commercial   (c)
B event
3.      Lauch            (A)
C agency

4.      Create               (f)
D male drivers /customers
5.      Launch             (e)
E the 2012 Beetle
6.      attract              (d)
F a commercial
2.1.3 Open your Market Leader book on page 85, read article New markets for Gamesa, and develop exercises A, B, C, D and F (all of them individually). Send these exercises in the Word file corresponding to Study Guide 3. DO NOT take photos of the pages and paste them on the Word file; you have to type these exercises (including the instructions).

A Discuss these questions
1.      How popular is wind energy in your country
Wind energy is highly dense Colombia central térmicas.A Despite the high potential, harnessing wind projects in Colombia are minimal. A large clearance with respect to the boundary is observed penetration standard of 20%.
2.      Which of these points are advantages and disadvantages for wind energy?
-       Safe        - clean form of energy  -wind  is not constant
-       Noisy       - Ugly
wind  is not constant
clean form of energy


B Before you read the article , match the words ans phrases (1-6) to their meanings
1.      To install                       (c)  a) to start something new
2.      Manufacturing plant  (e) b) a company that is owned by another larger      company
3.      Subsidiary              (d)      c) to put equipment in position , so it is ready to use
4.      To set up                (a)    d) a company that you buy from
5.      Component            (f)       e) a Factory that makes machines and equipament
6.      Supplier                  (b)     f)  a part of machine
C Read this article about a company in the wind –energy business.is it doing better in its home market or in international markets?
2.1          Listening
2.2.1        Go over learning object 2 to get familiar with 7 tips to improve listening skills. Now put them into practice!

Guide No. 3 - Activity 1 - Vocabulary and Grammar

1.1.1 Develop the activities proposed in Tell me More for this section. Go to http://www.tellmemorecampus.com/
1.1.2 Open your Market Leader book on page 67 and develop exercises A to C on describing people.
A  Match the statements (1-10) to the adjectives (a-j)
They                                                                                                                                 They are
1.      Like to spend time with other people                (h)                         a) ambitious
2.      Want to reach the top in their career                 (d)                        b) creative
3.      Have a lot of new ideas                                    (b)                        c) hard-working
4.      Do what they promise to do                              (j)                        d) motivating
5.      Are usually calm                                               (g)                        e) helpful
6.      Spend a lot of time doing a good job                 (c)                        f) punctual
7.      Like to be on time                                             (f)                        g) relaxed
8.      Encourage other people to work well                 (i)                        h) sociable
9.      Are good at marking things  work                      (e)                        i) practical
10.  Like to do things for other people                      (a)                        j) reliable
B Use adjectives from Exercise A t complete this human-resources report
She is extremely sociable  .She is never late for meetings – she is always   punctual     she is very    practice    ,she always meets deadlines .She is in the office at 8:00 a.m. every day and usually stays late. So she is very    hard-working      .Her boss says this is very   motivating      to others .Her colleagues have a lot of respect for her work and attitude.
She is also a very      creative       person with a lot of good ideas for the future of the company
C Look again at the in Exercise A.Which do you think are the three most important for a)a boss;b)a colleague in a team ? Discuss your answers with a partner
I think a hard-working boss is important
I like to work with ambitious people. They give me energy
A) a boss
·         The worker is the most important for the company to progress
·         a good motivator so need a boss to meet the needs of the head and his colleagues
·         A boss likes to be punctual staff to meet the obligation and fulfill a task
b) a colleague in a team
·         be creative so they can help their colleagues with good ideas
·         be practiced to give a perspective to colleagues
·         be useful for the realization of activities is a good tool for colleagues
1.1.3 Now open your Market Leader book on page 75 and develop exercises A to E on advertising and markets.
A CD2.9 Listen and repeat these numbers
6,300                 six thousand, three hundred
75,807               Seventy-five thousand ,eight hundred and seven
823,120             eight hundred and twenty-three thousand, one hundred and twenty
1,255,500           one millon,two hundred and fifty-five thousand, five hundred
10.5%                 ten point five per cent
B CD2.10 Listen to part of a sales presentation and underline the correct number in each sentence
1.      Last year, the company had a market share of 10.3 / 103 per cent
2.      Last year, for the launch of sparkle lite , the advertising budget increased by 30/13 per cent
3.      Last year , the company sold more than 850,000/815,000 units of sparkle
4.      The new advertising campaign cost €90,000/€900,000.
5.      The company wants to increase its market share to 11.5 /11.9 per cent
6.      Next year , the company wants to sell 210,000/2,100,000 units of sparkle
C Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-5) with their endings (a-e)
1.      Coca-Cola is a mass-market product; it   (c)              a) is a small but often profitable Market
2.      Selling  special-interest holidays               (e)                  b) is outside the producer’s is a niche market ;it                                                                                                 country
3.      Rolex watches sell in a luxury market ;    (d)                 c) is in the producer’s country
they are
4.      An export market                                    (b)              d) high-quality and expensive
5.      A home market                                       (a)                 e) Sells to large numbers of       People
D In pairs think of products which match the types of market in Exercise C
Nike shoes sell to a mass market
Ferrari sports cars are a luxury –market product
Studio f sell to a mass market
Success sold to a consumer market
Banks pay the customer purchases with them is a market for credits
Computers sold to a mass market
E Which medium is the best way to advertise these products (or the ones you discussed in Exercise D)? Choose from the list below .Discuss your ideas with a partner
a smartphone     a presume   a health magazine
a sport car a new chocolate bar
·         Newspapers/magazines (the press)
·         Online /internet ads
·         Billboards /hoardings
·         TV/radio commercials
·         Mobile ads
·         Leaflets/flyers
·         Free samples

ü  Newspapers/magazines (the press)
ü  Billboards /hoardings
ü  Free samples
ü  Free samples
1.1.4 On page 83 of your Market Leader book, develop exercises A to C on describing companies.
A The sentences below describe two companies.Delotek and Green Shoots. Choose pairs of sentences which describe similar things and write them in the correct column of this chart

A large car-parts company
Green Shoots
A small garden –products company
John Smith Dalotek in 1960
George and James Hawkins began Green Shoots in the 1920s.
Dalotek exports to over 12 countries
Green Shoots sells some of its products abroad
Dalotek provides components for the car industry
Green Shoots supplies the gardening industry
It introduces one or two new components each year
It launches 12 new products a year
It manufactures car parts
It manufactures car parts
It has a workforce of 2,500
It employs about 35 people

1.      John Smith started Dalotek in 1960
2.      It has a workforce of 2,500
3.      Dalotek exports to over 12 countries
4.      It manufactures car parts
5.      It introduces one or two new components each year
6.      It employs about 35 people
7.      Green Shoots sells some of its products abroad
8.      It makes garden products
9.      George and James Hawkins began Green Shoots in the 1920s
10.  Green Shoots supplies the gardening industry
11.  It launches 12 new products a year
12.  Dalotek provides components for the car industry
B Underline the verbs or verb phrases which mean the same thing in each pair of sentences in the chart in Exercise A
John Smith started Dalotek in 1960
George and James Hawkins began Green Shoots in the 1920s

1.      It has a workforce of 2,500
2.      Dalotek exports to over 12 countries
3.      It manufactures car parts
4.      It introduces one or two new components each year
5.      It employs about 35 people
6.      Green Shoots sells some of its products abroad
7.      It makes garden products
8.      Green Shoots supplies the gardening industry
9.      It launches 12 new products a year
10.  Dalotek provides components for the car industry
C Use the verbs you underlined in exercise B to complete this company profile

GNK services began in 1989 when Dieter Norland left his job as an engineer in the computer industry. The company      has        high-tech security alarms and    manufactures    its products all over the world . It    employs      150 people at its factory near Rotterdam, although the company’s head office is in Amsterdam and       provides      a staff of 20. The company      shoots                 a number of new products each year . Gnzk services     components          products to the security industry and    over             domestic alarms for the general public.
1.1.5 Go over learning object 1 and test what you have learnt on vocabulary.
1.2 Grammar
1.2.1 Develop the activities proposed in Tell me More for this section. Go to http://www.tellmemorecampus.com/
1.2.2 Open your Market Leader book on page 68: Develop exercises A to E of Language Focus 1.
A  Put these words in the right order to make sentences about problems at work
1.      The deadlines/the projects/weren’t/for/realistic
The deadlines for the projects weren’t realistic
2.      Most people/the office/didn’t/leave/until 8 p.m.
Most people didn’t leave the office until 8 p.m
3.      A/manager/good/wasn’t/she
She wasn’t a good  manager
4.      On time/start/meetings/didn’t
Meetings didn’t start on time
5.      Didn’t/she/to motivate/know/the staff/how
She didn’t know how to motivate the staff
B CD2.4 Listen to a conversation to check your answers

C Correct one mistake in each line of this message
Maris, I’m sorry ,I’m having a bad day. I didn’t sent the report                                 1 send
out, and I not check the figures. I didn’t get to the bank                                            2
on time, and I didn’t phoned the suppliers. I tried to call you                                     3
this morning, but you not answer .I think need to go home                                        4
D Complete these questions with did, was or were
1.      Was he an efficient manager?
2.      When were   you born?
3.      When    did   Ania  start to work for IBM?
4.      Why     was      Marcus change jobs?
5.      Where  was       your next jobs?
E Read the extract below .Then write questions using each of the words from the box
Where did Danielle grow up?
did How long Danielle  work on Renault?
Why did leave work at Renault?
what year did the MBA school Harvad?
When did his MBA in business school Harvad?
what  did university made his MBA?
Why      How long    What      When  Where
Danielle grew up in Geneva. She studied engineering at university in pairs. Then she worked for Renault for four years, from 2004 until 2008 .She left Renault because she wanted to do an MBA. She did an MBA at the Harvard Business School in 2009 .Her next job was with GE.
·         1.2.3 Open your Market Leader book on page 70: Develop exercises A to G of Language Focus.

A Discuss these questions in pairs
1.      What was Steve job’s greatest success?
the greatest success of Steve's job was his innovation what I think apple was what led to the success
2.      What made him successful?
The Apple Company and innovation of which was to buy the company and Pixar was so innovative technology like what is ipad, iPhone, apple etc.
B Read this article (ignoring the missing information), then write the questions to complete the quiz on page 71 .Use the article to help you
Barack Obama  described Steve jobs as one of the greatest American innovators .This is his Story .he was born on February 24,1955, in California    in 1976,after dropping out of college, jobs started Apple with his friend Steve Wozniak       the company quickly became successful. In     1984       Apple introduced the famous Macintosh computer. The following year, Jobs left, Apple because of disagreements with the ceo, John Sculley.          .
After leaving apple, Jobs set up a new computer company called Next .He also bought a company called Pixar .It specialized in   computer animation   .
Jobs married his wife,      laurene   , at a Zen Buddhist ceremony in 1991. The couple had three children.
The early nineties were difficult years for apple, and the company soon wanted jobs back. In December 1996,Apple bought job’s company Next.
Apple paid      400 million dollars       for it .Jobs returned to Apple and un 1997 became the CEO . Under his leadership, jobs turned the company around, with innovative products such as the Imac, Ipod,Iphone and Ipad. In    august 2011  after a long period of illness, Steve Jobs resigned ad Apple’s CEO .He died two  months later at the age of  56   . Tim cook       is Apple's new CEO             .
In his time at Apple, Steve Jobs created the most valuable technology company in the world .Today, it employs more than   46500        people Worldwide

1.      Where was Steve Jobs born?
a)      In California
b)      In Portland, Oregon
c)      In Chicago
2.      Who did jobs start Apple with
a)      A manager at Hewlett Packard
b)      His father
c)      His friend Steve Wozniak
3.      When did apple introduce the famous Macintosh computer?
a)      In 1980
b)      In 1982
c)      In 1984
4.      Why did jobs leave apple ?
a)      Bad Health
b)      A great job offer
c)      Disagreements with the CEO,jhon Sculley
5.      What did pixar specialize in?
a)      Music
b)      Computer communication
c)      Computer software

6.      Who did jobs marry
a)      Melinda
b)      Patricia
c)      Laurene
7.      How much did apple pay for NEXT?
a)      $400M
b)      $200M
c)      600M
8.      When did Steve Jobs when he died?
a)      March 2011
b)      August 2011
c)      October 2011
9.      How old was steve jobs when he died
a)      50
b)      56
c)      65
10.  Who is apple’s new CEO?

a)      Tim cook
b)      Jonathan vie
c)      Phill Schiller
11.  How many people does apple employ worldwide
a)      20,000
b)      57,000
c)      46,500

C CD2.5 Listen and check the questions you wrote
D Answer the questions in the quiz above and use your answers to complete the article on page 70
E CD 2.6 Now listen and check your answers
F Work in pairs. Take it in turns to choose five questions from the quiz and ‘test’ your partner. Help with answers if necessary
At what age died jobs ?
what year national jobs ?
which was the first company ?
Who is now the owner of apple ?
few people use?
G Complete these sentences .Give true information about yourself
1.      Last year, I bought a new camera
2.      Yesterday, I was playing   soccer
3.      Last summer, I was in vacation in ibague
4.      When I was a child, went out with my parents to ride a bike
1.2.4 Now go over exercises A to F on pages 77 and 78 of your Market Leader book about comparatives and superlatives.
A C.D 2.11 Write the comparative forms of these adjectives .Then listen to check how they are pronounced
1.      Small     smaller
2.      Fast       faster
3.      Slow      slower
4.      High      higher
5.      Bad       worse
6.      Good    better
7.      Competitive   more competitive
8.      Efficient         more  efficient
9.      Interesting     more interesting
B Look at this chart. Decide whether the sentences below are true(T) or false (F).Correct the false ones

VW passat
Mazda NX-5
Mini Hatchback
Engine size
2.0 litre
1.8 litre
1.6 litre
Maximum Speed
195 Kph
195 Kph
203 Kph
Petrol consumption
4.6 litre/100 km
7.3 litre /100 km
5.4 litre/100 km
Luggage compartment
566 litre
150 litre
150 litre
3,699 mm
€ 19,665
€ 19,174
€ 13,410
1.      The Mazda is a faster car than the mini (F)
The Mini is a fater car than the mazda
2.      The Mazda has a smaller luggage compartment than the Mini(F)
The mazda and Mini have the same 150 liter luggage compartment
3.      The  Mini has better petrol consumption than the Passat (T)
4.      The Mazda is more expensive than the Passat (F)
The Passat is more expensive than the mazda
5.      The Passat is more practical for a family than the Mini(T)

C Complete these sentences about the cars in Exercise B.Use the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets
1.      I think the Mazda is a more stylish   car than the mini (Stylish)
2.      The Passat has a      more powerful       engine than the Mazda.(powerful)
3.      Compared to the Passat, the Mini is     our easy   to park in small spaces.(easy)
4.      The Passat is     more  to run   cheap          the Mazda.(cheap)
5.      The Passat is      more          car the Mini     spacious         (spacious)
D Complete these  conversation . Use the superlative form of the adjectives
1.         A: Advertising on primetime TV is expensive
B: Yes, it’s the most expensive  time of the day to show an advert
2.         A: Nike’s ‘Write the future’ commercial was very good.
B: Yes, it was     the  best  commercial in 2010
3.         A: 2009 was a bad year for the advertising industry
B: Yes, it was   the worst       year I can remember
4.         A: China has a very high number of internet users
B:Yes,it has      the best    number of users in the world
E Which is the car for each of these people? Choose a car from Exercise B
F  Work in pairs .Explain your choice to you partner
I think the best car is the mini that is more comfortable, more economical gasoline is more presentable and is the most interesting for everyone’s best to have a car is to have a regular economic status to be able to cover so carriage costs. There is another model car that I like is the largest and long to be more comfortable with the family, it is necessary to have gas guzzler truck has its own advantage and is more comfortable for the whole family.
1.2.5 Develop exercises A to D on page 79 of your Market Leader book about much/a lot, a little/a bit.

A Look at this chart. What does it show?

B Complete these sentences about the chart
1.         In 2010,toptek spent most of its advertising budget on TV
2.         The amount it spent on TV advertising  was   2010           lower in 2011
3.         In 2010 , the spend on outdoor advertising was a   2010    higher than in 2011
4.         Toptek spent most of the budget   on    internet   advertising in 2011
C Compare toptek’s advertising spend in 2010 and 2011.Talk about these points.
1.      In 2010 , Toptek spent about 15 per cent of its budget on internet advertising . The amount it spent in 2011was much higher
2.      In 2011, Toptek spending about 95% on your online advertising was the highest Destroyed
3.      In 2010, Toptek spending more than 60% of their advertising spending in 2011 but less than its print advertising
4.      In 2010 and 2011, spending less than 5% of Radio Advertising

D Compare these two pool tables using much , a lot , a little and a bit
The classic pool table is a bit wider than the Trainer pool table
The classic pool table is have slightly longer length than the trainer pool table
The classic pool table has a slightly higher altitude than the pool table Trainer
The classic pool table weighs much more than the trainer pool table
The pool table clasicc is much higher price than it costs trainer pool table

Trainer pool table
Classic pool table
93 cm
95 cm
176 cm
180 cm
78 cm
80 cm
25 Kg
50 Kg
€ 144
€ 280
1.2.6 Complete exercises A and B on pages 84 and 85 and A to C on pages 86 and 87 of your Market Leader book.
A Complete these sentences with the present continuous of the verbs in brackets.Use contractions where possible
1.      Matti isn’t in the office today.He’s metting (meet) customers all day
2.      Marta’s on the phone .She   calling      (call) about the sales figure
3.      I can’t come to the metting .I writing     (write) a report .I must finish it this morning
4.      We     building    (build) a new factory in Spain.The work is nearly finished
5.      The marketing team is very busy righ now . They   Working   (Work) on the launch of a new product
6.      Our business in japan    not going   (not go) well at the moment
7.      We have a lot of orders, so production   hiring   (hire) 40 extra staff
B Work in pairs .Ask and answer these two questions .Use your own ideas and words from the box in your answers
Build      change     develop   improve   introduce   prepare   open   organize write
A: What are you changing in your personal life ?
B: I'm changing the lifestyle who brought before meeting my girlfriend
A: That is improving in the study ?
B: I am improving the pronunciation in English
A: I typing in your exercise routine the day Monday?
B: I'm entering the day Monday cycling
A: What are you developing the evolution of ?
B: I am developing the newspaper crossword time
A: What are you organizing your work ?
B: I'm almost always organizing the raw material
A: What are you writing?
B: I am writing my biography in English
A: Building this your company ?
B: This updating machines decorated
A: You have opening  your email?
B: yes, because I'm on chat with my cousins ​​from Germany
A Discuss these questions
1.      How popular is wind energy in your country
Wind energy is highly dense Colombia central térmicas.A Despite the high potential, harnessing wind projects in Colombia are minimal. A large clearance with respect to the boundary is observed penetration standard of 20%.
2.      Which of these points are advantages and disadvantages for wind energy?
-       Safe        - clean form of energy  -wind  is not constant
-       Noisy       - Ugly
wind  is not constant
clean form of energy


B Before you read the article , match the words ans phrases (1-6) to their meanings
1.      To install                       (c)  a) to start something new
2.      Manufacturing plant (e) b) a company that is owned by another larger                        company
3.      Subsidiary                (d)       c) to put equipment in position , so it is ready to use
4.      To set up                  (a)       d) a company that you buy from
5.      Component               (f)        e) a Factory that makes machines and equipament
6.      Supplier                    (b)        f)  a part of machine
A Which tense are these time xpressions normally used with?put them in the correct column of the chart below
Always      at the moment          currently    every day   normally    now    this time     today   usually

Present Simple
Present continuous
this time
at the moment

