miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

Activity 2 - Reading and listening

2.1.1 Develop exercises A to E on page 69 of your Market Leader book.

A  Before you read the article below , discuss these questions

1.      What famous businesswomen do you know?

The businessman Arturo Calle , has a large clothing company, Alberto mantilla innovative designs that the company has nearly all Latin America

2.      What qualities do you need to be successful business executive?

mindset change and alert to seize opportunities, be aware that this in office, have emotional intelligence as the decision maker that suits you the company, human abilities the treatment of their employees,

B As you read the article , make quick notes to complete the profile of Andrea jung on the left

C Decide Whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Corret the false ones

1.      Avon sells cosmetics shops (F)

Avon sells cosmetics door a door in more than 120 countries.

2.      Andrea jung Speaks English and chinese (F)

Andrea jung Speaks Mandarin

3.      Around 50 per cent of managers at Avon are women (F)

Most of Avon’s representatives are women

4.      Avon has an all-female board (T)

5.      Jung Thinks all-women management teams make the best decisions(T)

6.      She is on the Boards of two other companies (T)

D  Find words or phrases in the article with these meanings

1.      People who sell a company’s products ( paragraph 1)   = Representatives

2.      When you decide to do something and to not let anything stop you ( paragraph 2)= decisionmaking

3.      Leave a job Without finishing it (Paragraph 3)= indeterminate

4.      All the money that a company receives regularly  (Paragraph 4)=revenues

5.      A very strong liking for something  (paragraph 5)=Avon’s

E  Work in pairs . imagine you are going to interview Andrea jung .Write five questions that you would like to ask her

1.1.2        Read article Volkswagen’s Black Beetle ad on page 76 of yourMarket Leader book and develop exercises A to D.
A  Before you read the article below , discuss these questions
1 Which four adjectives best describe a VW beetle?
fat ,short legs ,small ,great wings
Big   fast   feminine fun masculine powerful safe stylish  unusual
2 In your country , how popular is the beetle ? Who typically buys it
B  As you read the article think these cuestions
1 How is the photo in the article related to the 2012 beetle ?
Beetle to the Colombian cyclist, but an animal is known in Colombia
2 What kind of person did VW want to see the advet?
C  Choose the best option to complete these sentences
1.      An American/A german agency created the commercial
2.      The 2012 Beetle has a more masculine /feminine design than the older new betle
3.      The target customer for the 2012  Betle is male/male and female drivers
4.      The ad shows/doesn’t show the new car in detail
5.      VW first showed the commercial on Us /german Tv
6.      VW first showed the car to the public at an event in shanghai/New York
D In each box, match the words from the article to make word partnerships
1.      Adversiting     (B)
A Break
2.      Commercial   (c)
B event
3.      Lauch            (A)
C agency

4.      Create               (f)
D male drivers /customers
5.      Launch             (e)
E the 2012 Beetle
6.      attract              (d)
F a commercial
2.1.3 Open your Market Leader book on page 85, read article New markets for Gamesa, and develop exercises A, B, C, D and F (all of them individually). Send these exercises in the Word file corresponding to Study Guide 3. DO NOT take photos of the pages and paste them on the Word file; you have to type these exercises (including the instructions).

A Discuss these questions
1.      How popular is wind energy in your country
Wind energy is highly dense Colombia central térmicas.A Despite the high potential, harnessing wind projects in Colombia are minimal. A large clearance with respect to the boundary is observed penetration standard of 20%.
2.      Which of these points are advantages and disadvantages for wind energy?
-       Safe        - clean form of energy  -wind  is not constant
-       Noisy       - Ugly
wind  is not constant
clean form of energy


B Before you read the article , match the words ans phrases (1-6) to their meanings
1.      To install                       (c)  a) to start something new
2.      Manufacturing plant  (e) b) a company that is owned by another larger      company
3.      Subsidiary              (d)      c) to put equipment in position , so it is ready to use
4.      To set up                (a)    d) a company that you buy from
5.      Component            (f)       e) a Factory that makes machines and equipament
6.      Supplier                  (b)     f)  a part of machine
C Read this article about a company in the wind –energy business.is it doing better in its home market or in international markets?
2.1          Listening
2.2.1        Go over learning object 2 to get familiar with 7 tips to improve listening skills. Now put them into practice!

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