miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

Guide No.2 Activity Vocabulary and grammar

  • 1.1.2 Open your Market Leader book on page 37 and develop exercises A to D on travel details (use tracks 1.55-1.58 in your CD to develop these exercises). 
  • A listen to each part of the recording .then answer these question
    Part 1
    what time is the next train to Manchester
    Rta: next train to Manchester is at 14:40

    Part 2
    which flight is boarding at gate 23
    Rta: yes

    Part 3
    what time does the train leave
    Rta: Leaves at 1:16 of platform 5
    which platform does it leave from
    Rta: platform 7

    Part 4
    the passenger chooses a flight .what time does it leave?
    Rta: at 9:30 a.m
    when does the flight arrive
    Rta: at 11:45 am
    what is the flight number
    Rta: it is the number of flight BA341
    Which terminal does it leave from?
    Rta: terminal 5

    B People often do these things when they travel .Match the verbs (1-5,6-10) with the correct phrases (a-e,f-j)
    1          Buy                               a. security                    (b)
    2        Confirm                         b. a ticket                      (d)
    3        Collect                           c. at the check -in         (e)
    4        Go through                   d. their flight                    (g)
    5        Queue                           e. their luggage              (a)
    6        Watch                            f. a hotel room                (i)
    7        Take                              g. some shopping          (j)
    8        Book                              h. at the hotel                  (f)
    9        Do                                   i. an in-flight movie        (g)
    10    Check in                         j a bus or taxi                (c)

    C Work in pairs .Put actions 1-10 from Exercise B in order
    1 Buy a ticket
    2 confirm their flight
    3 collect their luggage
    4 go through at the hotel
    5 queue security
    6 watch an in-flight movie
        7        take a bus or taxi
            8       book a hotel room
    9 Do some shopping
    10 check in at the check –in

    D Complete the sentences below using the nouns from the box
                 Bill   Booking   call    centre       flight     luggage
                 Passport    password   receipt   reservation   seat

  • At the ticket office
    1          I need to change my   booking.
    2          Is there a direct  seat?
    At the check-in desk
    3          Can I take this as hand  Bill?
    4          Can I have an aisle
    5          Which way is control?
    In a taxi
    6          please take me to the city centre
    7          Can I have a ,   please ?
    At the Hotel
    8 I have a   reservation         for two nights .My name’s Burkhard
    9 Can I have an alarm      call    at 6:45,please?
    10 I am checking out today .Can I have the  luggage    , please ?
    11 Can I have the    password    for the Wi-Fi ,please?

    1.1.3 Now open your Market Leader book on page 45 and develop exercises
    A to G on eating out matters.

    A Choose the odd  one out in each group of food words below.Use the words from the box to explain you answers
            Fish      Fruit    meat     vegetable     seafood

    1 Salomon              tuna             cod          onion      onion: it is a kind of vegetable  
    2 beef                      apple           lamb        chicken   apple :it is a kind of fruit
    3 carrots                  peas           trout          broccoli   Trout :it is a kind of fish
    4 veal                      grapes          cherries    peaches  Veal: it is a kind  of meat
    5 cabbage              prawns          cauliflower   aubergine Gambas: it is of  seafood
    B  look at these words for parts of a menu . write the dishes from the box on the left under the correct headings.

             Soup        steak    Pate    Salad   Ice  Cream    Grilled  fish fruit chocolate mousse
             Spring rolls   tiramisu   cheesecake pork roast duck mutton prawn cocktail    beff  stew
             apple    pie    stuffed     mushrooms

    Main course
    Ice cream
    Grilled fish
    Chocolate mousse
    Spring rolls
    Apple pie
    Roast duck



    Beff stew

    Stuffed mushrooms

    C  think of some unusual food from your country or a country you have visited. How can you describe it?
    In Colombia there are several curious dishes like those in the departments of Santander, Amazon, the Atlantic coast, villavicencio, Cauca, Here I characteristics of starter, main course and dessert.
    Starter: Soup neonalo beef is representative in the department of Cauca, is flavored with garlic, onions and roasted peanuts, and is served with corn bread and aji pineapple or stew
    Main Course: culonas ants is the representative in the department of Santander, these are insects living roasted and seasoned with salt and savored by the people, is mojojoy tradition of the Amazon, can be eaten raw, fried or grilled wing, Turtle Stew is tradition of the Atlantic coast prepares boiled with tomato, onion and coconut milk, guinea pig roast is the tradition of grass is eaten roasted with salt, the capybara is the preferred meat Villavicencio and armadillo known as the flesh of the seven flavors is eaten roasted, fried or stew
    Dessert: Gelatin is representative in the leg is extended Cauca Paw res is a typical delicacy of Colombia
    D Choose the correct word to complete each of these sentences
    1 You ask for the receipt/menu at the start of a meal
    2 You Ask for the check /bill at the end of a meal in London
    3 You Ask for the check / bill at the end of a meal in new york
    4 You Ask for the tip / receipt after you pay

     A Use words from the box to complete the Dart leaflet below
            Discount     Free   Period   Price    Save

    Join our Car Hire Gold Club Today
    ·          Save   up to 50% on selected models
    ·          Three days for the  price  of two
    ·             period    Insurance and unlimited mileage
    ·          Extra 10%   discount   until  the end of july
    ·          For a limited   free      only
    B Decide Whether sentences about the Dart leaflet are True (T) or False (F)
         1 There is an extra cost for insurance .F
    1.        The customer can get some deals for half price T
    2.        The Price is cheaper if the customer is quick T
    3.        The offer is for the whole year F
    4.        Gold Club members have a choice of reward   T
    5.        Gold Club members get their receipt by express post  T
    C Rewrite the false statements in Exercise B to make them true
    1.        There is no extra cost for insurance
    2 The offer is no for the whole year
    1.1.6 Go over learning object 1 and play the Hangman Game.

    1.2.2 Open your Market Leader book on pages 38 and 39: Develop exercises A to F of Language Focus 1.
    A Ask people in your class about the languages people can speak
    A : Can you speak japonese?
    B : No,I can’t
    andrea can you speak French? no, I can not french
    sonia can you speak English? yes, I can speak English
    sebastian can you speak Spanish? yes, I can speak Spanish
    jose can speak Italian? I can not speak Italian
    Giovanny can speak mandarin? I can not speak mandarin
    Alvaro can speak Arabic? I can not speak Arabic
    Work in pairs , try to remember the languages people can and can’t speak
    In Colombia people can speak Spanish and can usually speak English it is necessary to ask in universities and colleges, but people can hardly speak the language very well, and 25% can speak French but find it difficult, but people say that English is the hardest to pronounce. The other languages ​​such as Mandarin, Arabic, Portuguese, and other languages ​​are not able to speak.
    B Put this dialogue into the correct order
    Paul: Hi, Judith                                                                                                           (3)
    Judith: Well, I can’t do Thursday, but Friday is ok                                                  (6)
    Paul: Paul Robinson speaking                                                                                    (1)
    Judith: Oh, hello, Paul. This is Judith Preiss here                                                     (2)
    Paul: I’m sorry, Judith, I can’t but I can make Thursdays or Friday                         (5)  
    Judith: Paul, I’m calling about that meeting. Can you make next Wednesday?      (4)
    Paul: of course. I can pick you up from the station if you like                                  (9)      
    Judith: Ten o’clock fine. Oh, and can I bring my colleague. Sabrina? You met her at the  conference                                                                                                                        (8)
    Paul:  Ok.Friday it is .Can we meet in the morning-say 10 o’clock?                        (7)
    Judith: Great. See you on Friday. Bye                                                                     (10)

    C Listen and check your answer
    D Look at the dialogue in exercise B .Write questions beginning with can     
    Can Judith and Paul meet on Friday?   
    Can Judith and Paul meet on Wednesday?
    can Judith on Thursday or Friday to attend the meeting?
    can be found judith and Paul at 10:00 am on Friday?
     Can picked up at the station Pablo?      
    Work in Pairs . Ask each other your questions. How much can you remember?  
    A: Can Paul meet Judith on Wednesday?
    B: No, he can’t
    A : Can Judith and Paul meet on Friday?   
    B: Yes, They can
    A: can Judith on Thursday or Friday to attend the meeting?
    B: Yes, She can the Friday
    A: can be found Judith and Paul at 10:00 am on Friday?
    B: Yes, They can
    A: can pick and Sabrina Judith on Pablo station
    B: Yes, he can 
    F. Complete the e-mail that Judith writes to Sabrina about the arrangements.
    To :        Sabrina Monti
    From:     Judith Preiss
    Subject: Meeting with Paul Robinson
    I called Paul Robinson about the meeting .He says he  can’t  make it on Wednesday, but he  can   do   can     at 10 o’clock .He says of course  you  can     come with me! And he    can    pick us up from the station.                 .
      can   You text me today and let me know if Friday is still Ok for you? I don’t think we need to meet before Friday. We  can  go through my notes for the meeting on the train.
    See You then

    ·  1.2.3 Open your Market Leader book on page 41: Develop exercises A to C of Language Focus 2.
    A Complete these sentences with the correct form of there is or there are
    1.        It’s a very  small airport. there aren’t  any shops in the terminal
    2.        There is       A problem with my ticket?
    3.         There aren’t    Any aisle seats available
    4.        There is    A stopover in Frankfurt
    5.         There isn’t     Any flights to Zurich tonight?
    6.        I’m afraid there is    a flight to Warsaw this afternoon
    7.         There are  Two cafes in the terminal
    8.         There are   Any buses from the airport to the city center?
    B In Pairs, ask and answer questions about the facilities at the Hilton Tokyo
    A: Is there a Health club?          B: yes, there is
    B: How many guest rooms are there?                        A: There are 808
    A: in the hotel is there Jacuzzi and sauna for relax 24 hours ?                                                                           B: yes, there is
    A: is there advice in the hotel on places to visit?
    B: yes, there is
    A: are there different accesses to technology and feel at home the guest?
    B yes, there are
    A: are there few meeting rooms?
    B: there are 16 meeting rooms
    A: is there  a business center 24 hours?
    B: yes, there is
    C Work in pairs. Role –play this situation
    Student A: See below                                          Student B turn to page 139

    Student A
    Student B
    you have new job abroad .student b lives there
    ask him/her about these points
    international school?
    A: is there an international school?
    B: Yes, there is a very good American School
    good local transport
    A: is there a good local transport?
    B:yes, there is and it’s very cheap
    big supermarkets ?
    A: are there big supermarkets?
    B: No, but there are any lots small shops an a market every day 
    houses to rent with gardens ?
    A: are there a houses to rent with gardens ?
    B: Yes, there are ,but there are a more apartments
    student b has a new job abroad .you live in that country.
    use these notes to answer his / her questions
    b: are there any good restaurants ?
    A:yes ,there are lots of good local restaurants
    B: Are there any cinemas ?
    A:no,  there are   any cinemas
    B:Is there an swimming pool?
    A :no there is , but you can swim in one of the hotels
    B: is there a tennis courts?
    A: yes, there is  tennis club with five courts

    1.2.4 Now go over exercises A and B on page 47 of your Market Leader book about some/any
    A Tick (   ) the correct sentences .Correct the mistakes in the other sentences
    1.   I’d like  any water
    I’d like some any water
    2.   Could I have any more coffe,please?
    Could I have some any more coffe,please?
    3.   Are there any restaurants near here ?
    4.   There isn’t some wine left
    There isn’t any wine left
    5.   I’d like some cheese ,please.
    6.   Do you have any soft drinks?
    Do you have some soft drinks?
    B Choose the correct words to complete this dialogue  
    Mina: There are some /any good restaurants in the center
    Ivan: Yes, but there isn’t some/any parking. We could go to the Texas Steakhouse near the airport
    Mina: Do they serve some/any vegetarian dishes?
    Ivan: I don’t think so.How about the marina? They do some / any great fish dishes, and they have some / any vegetarian starters
    Mina: Good idea ,I’ll see if they’ve got a table for nine o’clock
    ·  1.2.5 Develop exercises A to C on page 48 of your Market Leader book about countable and uncountable nouns
    A Tick (     ) the countable nouns
    1.      Reservation  : COUNTABLE                            
    2.      Food
    3.      Air conditioning
    4.      Bathroom COUNTABLE
    5.      Bill
    6.      Employee
    7.      Equipment
    8.      Hotel
    9.      Information
    10.  Seat COUNTABLE
    11.  Luggage    COUNTABLE
    12.  Flight
    13.  Menu
    14.  Money
    15.  Overtime
    16.  Receipt
    17.  Dish   COUNTABLE
    18.  Tip
    19.  Transport
    20.  Soup
    21.  Work
    22.  Shopping
    23.  Suitcase   COUNTABLE
    24.  Leisure
    B Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Use a lot of, many or much
    1.        They don’t have much vegetarian dishes here  lot of /many
    2.        How many does it cost? Much
    3.        The restaurant hasn’t got much tables left  a lot of/many
    4.        I don’t have many time at the moment  a lot of
    5.        I drink much coffee  a lot of /many
    6.        There aren’t much hotels in the city center   a lot of
    7.        It costs much money a lot of
    8.        I don’t want many spaghetti .there is ice cream for dessert a lot of /much
    C Work in pairs .complete these questions with many or much. Then ask and answer the questions with a partner.
    1.        A: How much cash do you have in your wallet?
    B: About 20 euros
    2.        A: How  many  phone calls do you make a day?
    B: 6 calls per day
    3.        A :How many  people are there in your company?
    B: 500 people
    4.        A: How much time do you have for luch?
    B: one hours
    5.        A: How  many holiday  do you get a year?
    B:one holidays
    6.        A: How much  fast-food restaurants are there where you live?
    B: There are 7 restaurants f
    7.        A: How much water do you drink a day?
    B: two liters
    1.2.6 Complete exercises A to D on page 55 and A to B on page 57 of your Market Leader book.
    A Listen to how the –ed  endings of these verbs are pronounced
    1 saved; delivered /d/               2 launched; worked/t/               3 decided; visited/id/
       Started; lived  ,wanted              Finished, advised,                    invited
       Opened,                                     missed bookend
    B Listen and put these verbs into the correct group from Exercise (1,2 or 3)
    Started      finished      advised   lived    wanted  opened missed   booked  invited

    Listen again and practice saying the verbs
    C Complete this sales report .Use the past simple of the verbs in brackets
    Last December ,I visited  (visit), our major customers from big department stores in South Korea.
    I arrived  (arrive) in Seoul on Monday 5th December .The next day ,I            (meet) Mrs. Kyoung Ai lee in Seoul. On 7th December, I   made   (make) a presentation to Mrs. Lee’s sales staff on our products and     advised  (advise) them how to display them.
    The following day, I   went    (go) to busan , and our agent  introduced       (introduce)  me to Mrs Ha , the chief buyer of a new department store in the city..She   asked       (ask)  me to send her 500 brochures. I     gived   (give) her some samples of our products. I  flew   (fly) back to head office in Paris on 9th  December .

    D Work in pairs. Take turns to describe a trip you made for business or pleasure
    Pag 57
    A Underline the correct words to complete this article
    Christian Sanchez graduated from Tufts University at/on / in 2001 .With a degree in chemistry. As part  of his course ,he did an internship at Merck for/during/ in eight months. Alter his degree, Merck offered him a permanent job as a chemical analyst  at the company research centre in New Jersey. He Worked there in/From/for 2001 to 2003 .During/For on+his time at Merck ,Christian realised he wanted to change career , so he decided to do an MBA.In/on/for May 2004,he started a two-year MBA at Stanford University, Following his MBA ,he joined the sales team at Johnson and  Johnson  in/on/for 15th September 2006.Two years since/ago/last, he became the Regional Sales Manager for the Ameicas.Last/First/Next month, he accepted an exciting new job as Country Manager in Argentina
    B Mikael Ohisson is the Ceo of furniture retailer Ikea. Listen to an interview about his career and complete the missing information in these notes,
    Born : 27 th December ,1957
    Education: Studied   industrial   design and marketing     at Linkoping University
    Career in Kea
            1979         Worked as carpet salesman, Linkoping store ,Sweden
             1981        Became Store Manager Sundsvall, Sweden
    1984-1988 Did management jobs in training and  marketing .
    1988 Got a job in Belgium  as country Manager
    1991   Worked as Country Manager Canada
    1995  Became Managing Director, Sweden
    2000-2009   Was regional Manager for  Southern Europe and North America
      ikea Named Ceo

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    I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to Morrison's for their exceptional services in helping me recover my investment from online scammers. It was a traumatic experience that left me feeling helpless and frustrated, but thanks to Morrison's, I was able to get my money back. I was devastated and didn't know where to turn. That's when I discovered Morrison's, a reputable recovery firm with a proven track record of helping victims of online scams. I reached out to them, hoping against hope that they could help me recover my lost funds, Their team of experts worked tirelessly to track down the scammers It wasn't an easy process, but Morrison's was relentless in their pursuit of justice. I want to express my deepest gratitude to the team at Morrison's for their dedication, expertise, and compassion. Their services are truly exceptional, If you're in a similar situation, don't hesitate to reach out to Morrison@cyber-wizard.com they will do everything in their power to help you recover your losses. Morrison's is not just a recovery firm – they are a lifeline for those who have been devastated by online scams. Their expertise, professionalism, and commitment to justice are unparalleled. I am forever grateful for their help and support, and I will always recommend them to anyone who needs their services.

  14. Recovering of hacked emails, social media accounts, lost money to online investment scams and romance, tracking, planting bug and catching cheating spouse/infidelity made easy with the help of kingston@cyber-wizard.com
    I hired him to help me uncover the double life my partner has been living with a secret lover and a son I never knew, he is very professional and efficient in carrying out his services.


  15. A Life-Changing Experience: How Morrison's Recovery Helped Me Recover My Money from an Online Scammer

    I still can't believe it. I was a victim of an online scam and lost a significant amount of money. It was a dark time for me, and I felt hopeless. But then, I discovered Morrison's Recovery, and my life changed forever. I'll never forget the day I received that email from what seemed like a legitimate investment company. They promised me high returns with minimal risk, and I fell for it. Before I knew it, I had transferred thousands of dollars to their account. But soon, the emails stopped coming, and I realized I had been scammed. The guilt, shame, and frustration were overwhelming. In desperation, I searched online for help and found Morrison's Recovery. Their reputation and reviews convinced me to give them a chance. Morrison's Recovery worked actively to track down the scammers and successfully recovered my stolen funds, I was overjoyed and relieved to have my money back. The weight lifted off my shoulders, and I finally felt like myself again. Recovering from an online scam is not easy, but Morrison's Recovery made it possible for me. Their expertise, dedication, and compassion gave me hope when all seemed lost. If you're a victim of online fraud like I was, don't lose faith. Morrison@cyber-wizard.com is here to help you recover your stolen money and your peace of mind.
    Morrison's Recovery is more than just a company; they're a lifeline for those who have been victimized by scammers.

  16. Dealing with internet fraud or menace can be quite challenging as it is relatively almost impossible to avoid being faced with such issues nowadays as most basic needs and necessity are computerized. Nevertheless, it also has its positive side which allows you to hire an A-list hacker like kingston@cyber-wizard.com to help recover hacked emails, social media accounts, money lost to sham investment and romance, track cheating partners, plant bug to listen to conversations secretly, gaining access to restricted portals to solve your cyber problems.
    He recently helped me provide all the evidences needed to win a case against my cheating partner in court and prevented him from taking my life savings and assets. I highly recommend him.


  17. Thank you, Morrison's recovery, for your exceptional assistance.

    "I am thrilled to share how Morrison's recovery services were a true blessing in helping me recover my lost Bitcoin investments from an internet scammer. Their professionalism, dedication, and expertise made the entire process streamlined and stress-free. Thanks to their prompt action and relentless pursuit of justice, I was able to retrieve the funds that I had thought were lost forever. I highly recommend Morrison's recovery services to anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation. Thank you, Morrison@cyber-wizard.com team, for your invaluable assistance!"


  18. Several months ago, I found myself in a truly distressing situation when I lost access to my Bitcoin wallet, which contained a staggering $360,000 worth of Bitcoin. The panic was overwhelming as I realized the magnitude of my loss. After numerous unsuccessful attempts to recover my funds on my own, I felt hopeless and discouraged. That’s when I came across Morrison's Recovery Services. Initially, What impressed me the most was their transparent communication throughout the entire process. They meticulously explained each step they would take to recover my Bitcoin, and I felt reassured knowing that my case was in capable hands. Their expertise in blockchain technology and digital currency recovery shone through as they navigated the complexities of my situation. Morrison's Recovery Services produced remarkable results. They were able to successfully retrieve my assets, and I was astounded at how efficiently they managed the process. The moment I received confirmation that my Bitcoins had been restored, it was a mix of relief and elation that I cannot adequately express. Thanks to Morrison@cyber-wizard.com Services, I have regained not only my financial investment but also my peace of mind. Their dedication, diligence, and exceptional skills in digital asset recovery are commendable. If you find yourself in a similar predicament, I wholeheartedly recommend Morrison@cyber-wizard.com Services. They are a beacon of hope in a challenging situation, and I am forever grateful for their assistance.
