domingo, 8 de junio de 2014

Activity 2 - Reading and listening

2.1 Reading
2.1.1 Go over learning object 2 to get familiar with 6 tips to address readings and understand them better. Now put them into practice!

2.1.2 Develop exercises A to D on pages 99 and 100 of your Market Leader book (the exercises can be developed individually).
A Work in pairs . Ask and answer these questions
1.        What mobile phone do you have ?
I have a cell idol x one touch
2.        How often do you use it each day ?
every 3 hours
3.        What do you mainly use it for ?
To chat, call, store documents
4.        Do you use the same mobile for business and private calls?
if for everything you need

B Read the article on page 100 about Vittorio Colao, Ceo of the mobile. Phone  company Vodafone .Do you find anything surprising in his use of communication technology?
C Read the article again and answer these questios.
1.        How many mobile phones does Mr Colao have?
has four phones
2.        What does he use these phones for?
1.        Blackberry
he uses the blackberry for business e-mail and SMS messages to swap        with colleagues
2.        Samsung 360
He uses the Samsung for social contact and to access Facebook
3.        According to Mr Colao , do executives use their mobiles more in northern or southern Europe?
in southern europe all executive carries a cell phone and uses it all the time

4.        Why doesn’t he like video calling?
does not like, he says he is not a fan of the video call and does not like people on the phone if you do not talk to them
5.        How does he use these communication technologies?
1.        Conference    calling
especially for keeping up to date on projects
he only uses one social network
D Find words in the article with these meanings
1.        To exchange (paragraph 3)
exchanges messages with colleagues
2.        To get into (paragraph 3)
Samsung uses of social contact and access to facebook
3.        Behaving in a controlled way (paragraph 4)
in northern Europe are more disciplined, They only use mobile When They need to
4.        Someone who likes something very much (paragraph 5)
conference calls are useful,especially for keeping up to date on projects
2.1.3 Read article Lessons in cultural difference on page 108 of yourMarket Leader book and develop exercises A to F (the exercises must be developed individually). Send these exercises in the Word file corresponding to Study Guide 4. DO NOT take photos of the pages and paste them on the Word file; you have to type these exercises (including the instructions).
A  Do you agree with these statements?
1.        All meetings should have fixed start and finishing times.(T)
2.        Being on time is equally important in all situations.(T)
3.        It’s more important to learn about the culture of the country you do business with than to learn the language .(F)
4.        There is no point having a detailed plan before you start a project. Things always change , and you need to be very flexible (T)
 As you read the article below, think about this question
What are two main causes of cultural misunderstanding between Brazil and china
traffic is in the morning and cultural management
It is 9.05 a.m. and a group of Chinese businessmen are outside a hotel conference room in Sao Paulo, waiting for their Brazilian hosts. The minutes ago, but ,like many meetings in Brazil, it did not start on time. The Brazilians arrive ,complaining loudly about the morning’s traffic and go immediately to breakfast. Cultural differences become clear.
In 2009 ,china replaced the US as Brazil’s biggest replaced trading partner. As a result .Brazilian companies are keen to understand the Chinese better  and find the best way to do business together.
For companies already working with China, getting to know the culture is a priority .At chinbra,Sao Paulo is biggest Chinese language school ,students, who mainly work in the import business, take evening classes in mandarin. About half the lesson is about cultural issues. They ask questions such as ‘should I give –something Brazilian?.’
Some business deals fail because of small things like a misunderstood e-mail.’In addition to language problems , there is also a lack of cultural understanding between the two countries ,’ says Charles tang .president of the Brazil –china Chamber .
One big issue is timing .For successful deals with the Chinese ,it is important to be on time for meetings and to meet deadliness. Another issue is planning .In Brazil, because of high inflation during the 1980s and early 1990s and many failed plans, long-term planning was not a priority.Today,many companies still prefer to plan as they go along and fix problems when they happen .The Chinese are completely different. They like to plan everything in advance and in detail
C  Decide whether these statements about the article are true (T) or false (F).Correct the false ones
1.        Brazil is biggest trading partner today is the US.F (it’s now china)
2.        At chinbra ,students spend most of the time learning Mandarin T
3.        Charles tang thinks deals go wrong mainly because of language problemsF
In addition to language problems, there is also a lack of cultural understanding between the two countries
4.        For the chinese , being on time is very importantT
5.        Brazilians don’t  give a lot of importance to planningT
D Work in pairs .Read the situation at the beginning of the article again (Paragraph 1) and discuss these questions
1.        What happened?
a group of Brazilian businessmen complain about the traffic in the morning and immediately go to breakfast.
2.        How do you think both sides felt about the situation?
Chinese entrepreneurs were waiting to hostl brazil and were disgusted with the traffic and also because he was late to the conference with Chinese entrepreneurs
3.        For the next meeting with the Chinese, what could the Brazilians do differently?
leave earlier because the place where the conference is to arrive on time
E Find words the article with these meaning
1.        Planned (paragraph 1) Scheduled
2.        Very important and needing attention (paragraph 3) import
3.        Problems (paragraph 3) issues of culture
4.        To be unsuccessful (paragraph 4) understanding
5.        When there is not enough of something (paragraph  language problems
6.        The last possible date for doing something (paragraph 5) troubleshooting
F  Work in pairs .What practical advice would you give about studying or doing business in your country?Discuss two or three of these points
1.        Appointments
2.        Giving gifts
3.        Planning and deadlines
4.        Meetings/seminars
5.        Greetings
6.        Making friends
7.        Appointments
in Colombia dating lack of health is very important because there are many benefits that hosts to Colombia, the council that I give them is to open call through the pages of the eps and have a period of 8 days to found more benefit individuals with
1.        Giving gifts
the council that I give them is to open more benefits for the poorest families to contribute more in the foundations to be used by them and the government has a subsidy for each of them
2.1.4 Open your Market Leader book on page 115 and 116, read Helen Braoudakis profile, and develop exercises A to C (the exercises must be developed individually).
A Ask and answer these questions in small groups
1.        Do you have a profile on a professional networking website such as LinkedIn?
I have not, but I would like to be informed of my customers about products or services from competitors who feel comfortable watching the website to do business with the supplier
2.        Does your company/university have a profile on a professional networking website? if so,Which one?
if my company has a website and college also
3.        Discuss how a professional networking site can help individuals and companies /educational institutions.
It can be useful for finding a job/getting new business
if it is useful for businesses and for oneself that one can visualize them what is in the bank and look for the information or product you need is very possible for one to internet resource
B Look at Helen Braoudakis’s profile on a professional networking site on page 116.Put these headings in the correct place on the profile
Recruitment professional   Education Specialties    Interest Work experience      Professional summary
C Decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F) .Correct the false ones
1.                                                                                                                                                                             Helen did her Master’s in HRM in Melbourne (F)
Helen did her Master’s in HRM in Sidney
2.                                                                                                                                                                             She has worked for three different companies(f)
3.                                                                                                                                                                             She has always worked in graduate recruitment (T)
4.                                                                                                                                                                             She has good communication Skills(F)
5.                                                                                                                                                                             When she was at ADM consulting ,she was responsible for organizing summer internships (T)
6.                                                                                                                                                                             She doesn’t have any experience outside Australia
She has  any experience outside Australia
2.2 Listening
2.2.1 Open your Market Leader book on page 98 and develop exercises B to F on listening.
B Listen to the first  part of an interview with Ros Pomeroy,a management consultant .Which of the social networking  sites in Exercise a does she use?
not used rather knowledge sharing
C Listen to the second part of the interview .Which two advantages and one disadvantage of social networking does Ros mention?
1.        be able to keep in contact with many people in the professional field
2.        also has been in contact with people interested in the work she does
1.        can not be that other people make contact with me, who are trying to sell me something That Perhaps I'm not interested in
D Listen to the third part of the interview .Who is the best communicator that Ros Knows?
face to face communication is , i think ,the best for getting information across and for getting things done in business .
E Listen again and complete this text
He always had a real     passion   for his subject-whatever he was talking about,he was    enthusiastic     he made sure that he knew  his                               very well , and the one thing that made a big       difference       .I think , is that when he     spoke    to an audience , he made that audience feel as if they were very.
F Listen to the final part of the interview .Make a note of whether Ros Likes (L) ,does not like  (NL) or does not mention (NM) these forms of communication.
1.        Letters
2.        Face to face (L)
3.        E-mail (L)
4.        Handwritten notes (NM)
5.        Corporate newsletter (L)
6.        Corporate newsletter(L)
7.        Telephone calls (NL)
2.2.2 Go to page 106 of your Market Leader book and develop exercises A to E on listening.
A Listen to John’s story and answer these questions
1.        What meal was johns invited to? Dinner
2.        What did he look at?Silence
3.        What was his mistake? talking on the table
1.        He talked during an important silence  yes
2.        He talked about his host’s table yes
3.        He didn’t want a gift No
B listen to Cameron’s story and answer these questions
1.        Where was Peter’s new job?frech
2.        What was his mistake?
1.        He did not use first names
2.        He did not speak French
3.        He did not use family names
4.        How did the staff  feel when Peter used first names?
people were more relaxed  ,and they always used first names
C Listen to Susan’s story and answer these questions
1.        Where did Susan make her mistake ?
2.        Who did she go our for a meal with ?
3.        What was her mistake ?
1.        She poured her own drink
2.        She did not laugh
3.        She poured too many drinks
4.        What did she forget to do ?
D Listen to Liz, Jeremy and Ros talking about cultural mistakes
Which Speaker
1.        Was working in East Africa?


2.        Was working with a Dutch  colleagues

2.        Got straight down to business


4.        Writes long e-mails?

6.        Often adds funny comments in e-mails?

8.        Thought a colleague was abrupt and rude

2.2.3 Develop exercises A to C on page 115 of your Market Leader book.
A Listen to the first part of an interview with Liz Credè, an organization development consultant.In pairs ,take notes on what she says about:
1.        Her corrent job,and i know a lot of people wouldn’t be able to say that
2.        A job she had over 20 years ago, and the reason I didn’t like was because I didn’t think the company treated people very well
The compare your notes with your partner’s?
B Listen  to the second part of the interview and decide whether these statements are True (T) or False (F) .Correct the false ones
1.        Her strengths come from her work as a CEO over the last 20 years T
2.        She understand how organizations work by studying them closely F
She understand how organizations work through looking at their leadership ,their culture and their business strategy
3.        She can see a situation from many different sides T
4.        She finds it easy to make decisions T
C Listen to the final part of the interview .Complete these notes on the advice that Liz gives

1.        Take the   opportunities        that you are given and really learn                   as much as you  from them
2.        Really     really    to those around you and pay      attention        to what they  are  saying
3.        Build   relationships     across the organization
4.        Ask a question that demonstrates you’re really      interesed       in the company
2.2.4 Check your answers by reading the audio scripts on pages 165, 166 and 167

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