domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Activity 4 - Final Project (Stage 1)

4.                    Final project (Stage 1)
4.1.1.  Work in groups of 3 or 4 people.
Team members are:            María Andrea Duran Guzmán
                   Sebastián Bedoya Agudelo
                   Manuel Fernando Ballesteros Camargo
4.1.2.  Choose one of the options as follows: Option 1: choose a Colombian company exporting any product to the United States or Canada. Option 2: choose an international company (English speaking country) which had introduced a product or a service to Colombia.
The option chosen by the group is: Option 1
4.1.3.  After having chosen the company, send an email to your tutor and classmates telling them the name of the company you will be working in. You cannot work with another team’s company.

4.1.1.  Complete the following information:
•         Members of the group.
•         Option chosen.
•         Company background (history including the facts when the Company entered into the foreign market).
La Alquería was founded in 1959 by Professor Jorge Enrique Cavelier, first Colombian urologist specializing in the university of chicago. It is a family organization where his son Enrique Cavelier continued to lead the company retaining the slogan "a bottle of milk, a bottle of health." In 1958 father and son bought a plant of milk pasteurization and homogenization installed Rionegro - Antioquia called “El Antojo”.
Mainly trading product is made ​​in glass bottles but this incurred more expenses, so was replaced by containers of waxed cardboard, ie waxed to try to seal the box, then the market study the plastic bag was launched and improved packing cardboard, not the paraffin layer but with a thin layer of polyethylene.
In 1978 and outsourcing methodologies are handled, so your first point of distribution opened in Bogotá obtaining a large improvement in processes that helped minimize costs and introduced to the market more easily. The plant grew so abruptly becoming one of the most modern of its kind, raising it to be one of the leaders in sales of milk.
From 1994 to 1999 the company image change twice.
Already by 2001. Firm changed its name and is now called "Productos Naturales De La Sabana S.A. Alquería" renewed its corporate image and introduced new products for consumption.
In 2008 signed a strategic alliance with DANONE corporation, in order to reach several national but international not alone markets and what poses with his unique vision the Mega 2020.'s Farmstead has had major awards such as the ceremony delivery to the best companies in the world in social inclusion (Portfolio Magazine 2013).
4.1.2.  Create a blog, include the information above in such blog, and paste the link of your blog in the Word file.


Activity 3 - Speaking and Writing

·  3.1.3 Open your Market Leader book on page 21 and read case study 2. Meet a classmate and record the interview between a member of the Human Resource Department and an employee (tasks 1 and 2). to record the interview, and then paste the link on the Word file to be delivered indicating the names of both team members. 
Link te lo adjunte junto al trabajo
1.1.4           After recording your interview, send the link to another group


Activity 2 listening

2.2.2 Open your Market Leader book on page 8 and develop exercises A to B on listening
A. jeremy keeley is a consultant .listen to him introducing himself in the first part of the interview and decide whether these statements are true(t)or false (f).correct the false ones
1 He lives in London (T)
2 He has three very young children (T)
3 He runs his own business (T)
4 His business works for organisations across the USA and ASIA (F)
5 He helps leaders become better leaders (T)
6 he always shakes hands when he meets people (T)
B Listen to the second part .complete what Jeremy says about meeting new business contacts and exchanging business cards
I usually say, ‘Hello , how  are you? , Where do you come from?, what  do you do?. I usually  find out. What’s important to them .Why  they are there. I usually wait until they have asked me a question before I talk too much about myself.
I usually . wait until the person I am meeting offers  me a business card before I offer them mine , so we’ll exchange them at that point .
 2.2.3 Go to page 18 of your Market Leader book and develop exercises A to E on listening.
 A listen to the first part of an interview with ros pomeroy.what does she like most about her job
Ros Mery working with different clients and different projects,and when the client needs me for something , I have to be ready to I can be in meetings , I can be running a workshop or a discussion , or quite often , I can be in my own office in front of a computer screen , or on the phone.
B Listen agrain and complete these notes
Ros can be
ü  In meetings
ü  I can be running      A  workshop or a discussion
ü  In her own  office    in front  of a   computer          screen
ü  On the phone
C Listen to the second part of the interview and answer these questions
1 what two things sometimes make it difficult to find enough time for leisure?
well some weeks i do work very long hours, and i also have teenage children combination of those two things does sometimes make it difficult to find enough time for leisure
2 overall, does Ros have enough time for leisure?
Ros Mery he takes the time to finish what leisure
·  2.2.4 Develop exercises A to C on page 23 of your Market Leader book.
A Jeremy Keeley, a specialist leadership,talk about problems he has at work .Listen to the first part of the interview and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).correct the false ones
1  jeremy often work’s with a large number of people (F)
2 His clients have quite complicated problems (T)
3 jeremy’s biggest problem is having enogh time to do a good job(T)
4 He also faces urgent requests for help when he is already very busy
B Listen to the second part, in which Jeremy talks about the biggets problems in companies , and complete these notes
ü  Biggest problem – amount of and   they have to go throughat speed
ü  Second problem – difficult to plan their needs and resources (staff    the equipment ,the properity,the  money they need to satisfy their customers

ü  Another problem – customers expect them to reduce     their prices     at the same time as companies have increasing          

Activity 2 - Reading and listening

Activity 2 - Reading and listening
·  2.1.1 Read article From small town to global leader on page 9 of your Market Leader book and develop exercises A to B.

A Read this article. the complete the chart below
Angela ahrendts

husband, 15 year old son and two daughters aged 11 and 14
Interests outside work
she likes to eat pizza with her children and play basketball with them

B Decide wheter these statementsare true (T) or false (F).Correct the false ones
1.          Burberry is an American company
F (It’s a British company)
2.          Burberry is a global fashion company
3.          All Arendt’s children are teenagers
F (  that their 11 year old daughter is not adolescent and his son is 14 and her daughter 11 years if they are teenagers)
4.          They are school in American
5.          Most morning , ahrendts is up before 5 a.m.
F ( she usually gets up around 4:30 a.m. )
6.          She is away on business most weeks
F (she travels on business one week a month)
7.          She has a lot of interests outside work
F (family)
8.          For ahrendts , keeping in contact with relatives is important
2.1.2 Open your Market Leader book on page 16, read article Business diary: Eugene Kaspersky, and develop exercises A to E. Send these exercises in the Word file corresponding to Study Guide 1. DO NOT take photos of the pages and paste them on the Word file; you have to type these exercises (including the instructions)
 A  Before you read the article ,discuss these questions
1.          What do you think is a typical day in the life of the CEO  of a big company?
spend all his time in office pending the company who is in charge, will not have much time for your family and personal life
2.          How much time de CEOs spend travelling ?
  two weeks a month
3.          Do CEOs need holidays ?
relajarce need accommodation for a season quue he spends all day working and has no time for him and his family
B   Look through this article .Can you find  any of the ideas you discussed in Exercise A?
In comparisons of exercise reading I can say that Kaspersky spend your half time Moscow and the other spends traveling, the time he spends traveling is three weeks vacation needs but leaves in winter to ski and summer is going to the mountains where you can use the internet and mobile phone
C  Answer these questions
1.          Is Kaspersky a formal or informal CEO?
Kaspersky speaks informally with colleagues at your desk or in the restaurant business, and all dresses are informal, but when meeting with the president or his ministers have formal attire
2.          Is most of his business in Russia or in other countries ?
most of its sales of the company are outside Russia
3.          Does he work 24/7 (24 hours a day , seven days a week )?
not only sleep three to four hours and working twenty hours a day
D  Decide whether these statements are true (T) or False (F) .Correct the false ones
1.      Kaspersky travels a lot  T
2.      He wears  formal business clothes in the office F
3.      He Gets up early every day F
4.      He goes to the gym after work T
5.      He likes to have time to relax when he’s in Moscow T
6.      He only has holidays in summer  F
2.1.3 Devepaidzlop exercises A to E on page 24 of your Market Leader book.
Blady paid       boring    interesting     noisy    quiet    relaxing    stressful    well paid
A Which of these adjectives describe work in a call center

ü  Boring
ü  Noisy
ü  Stressful
ü  Well  Paid
B  There call Centre workers answers the question ‘what are the biggest problems for you at work ? . Read their replies
Decisions take the team playing that there are people who never placed under the noise of the machines that have a protective but not enough to leave a little noise.
C  Look at the chart and tick (" " ) the problems the call center workers talk about in the replies .Who talks about each problems ?write Birgit (B) ,Vijay (v) or kevin (K)

Long working day
  (" )                                                       
Breaks  too short
Long hours at workstation
      (" )                                                  
Boring Work
(" )                                                        
No promotion
   (" )                                 

Angry customers
                                           (" )                                                                 
 Low pay
                                    (" )                                                                   
No time between calls
                 (" )                          
High staff turnover
                                    (" )                                                           
A lot of noisy
                                         (" )                                                             
D Witch three physical problems are mentioned in Brigit’s Reply?
ü  The noisy of the stations are adjacent jobs
ü  Birgit has a hearing problem
ü  Back pain from his colleagues that touches them all day sitting
ü  Headache from being so long in front of a screen

E Underline the adjectives from Exercise A in the replies