domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Activity 2 listening

2.2.2 Open your Market Leader book on page 8 and develop exercises A to B on listening
A. jeremy keeley is a consultant .listen to him introducing himself in the first part of the interview and decide whether these statements are true(t)or false (f).correct the false ones
1 He lives in London (T)
2 He has three very young children (T)
3 He runs his own business (T)
4 His business works for organisations across the USA and ASIA (F)
5 He helps leaders become better leaders (T)
6 he always shakes hands when he meets people (T)
B Listen to the second part .complete what Jeremy says about meeting new business contacts and exchanging business cards
I usually say, ‘Hello , how  are you? , Where do you come from?, what  do you do?. I usually  find out. What’s important to them .Why  they are there. I usually wait until they have asked me a question before I talk too much about myself.
I usually . wait until the person I am meeting offers  me a business card before I offer them mine , so we’ll exchange them at that point .
 2.2.3 Go to page 18 of your Market Leader book and develop exercises A to E on listening.
 A listen to the first part of an interview with ros pomeroy.what does she like most about her job
Ros Mery working with different clients and different projects,and when the client needs me for something , I have to be ready to I can be in meetings , I can be running a workshop or a discussion , or quite often , I can be in my own office in front of a computer screen , or on the phone.
B Listen agrain and complete these notes
Ros can be
ü  In meetings
ü  I can be running      A  workshop or a discussion
ü  In her own  office    in front  of a   computer          screen
ü  On the phone
C Listen to the second part of the interview and answer these questions
1 what two things sometimes make it difficult to find enough time for leisure?
well some weeks i do work very long hours, and i also have teenage children combination of those two things does sometimes make it difficult to find enough time for leisure
2 overall, does Ros have enough time for leisure?
Ros Mery he takes the time to finish what leisure
·  2.2.4 Develop exercises A to C on page 23 of your Market Leader book.
A Jeremy Keeley, a specialist leadership,talk about problems he has at work .Listen to the first part of the interview and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).correct the false ones
1  jeremy often work’s with a large number of people (F)
2 His clients have quite complicated problems (T)
3 jeremy’s biggest problem is having enogh time to do a good job(T)
4 He also faces urgent requests for help when he is already very busy
B Listen to the second part, in which Jeremy talks about the biggets problems in companies , and complete these notes
ü  Biggest problem – amount of and   they have to go throughat speed
ü  Second problem – difficult to plan their needs and resources (staff    the equipment ,the properity,the  money they need to satisfy their customers

ü  Another problem – customers expect them to reduce     their prices     at the same time as companies have increasing          

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